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TypeScript - A Comprehensive Guide to Basic Types


Welcome to another episode in this TypeScript Tutorial Series! I'm Brian, and I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you. In this series, we'll explore the powerful world of TypeScript and dive into its fundamental aspects. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that brings static typing to the dynamic JavaScript world, allowing developers to write more robust and maintainable code.

We'll start by discussing type inference and explicit type declaration. TypeScript's powerful type inference mechanism deduces types based on assigned values, simplifying your code. We'll also learn how to explicitly declare types for clarity and error prevention.

Next, we'll dive into using basic types like strings, numbers, and booleans. You'll see how to declare variables with these types and assign values accordingly. Additionally, we'll cover advanced topics such as union types, offering flexibility by allowing variables to hold multiple types.

By the end of this epsiode, you'll have a solid understanding of TypeScript's basic types and be equipped with the knowledge to write cleaner, safer, and more efficient code. Whether you're new to TypeScript or looking to deepen your understanding, this series is designed to help you grow as a developer.

So, grab your favorite code editor and let's dive into the world of TypeScript together! Make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for the upcoming posts in this exciting TypeScript Tutorial Series. Happy coding!

Understanding Type Inference

TypeScript's type inference refers to the ability of the compiler to deduce, automatically, the type of a value at a certain point in the code without explicit type annotations. This feature is central to the language, allowing TypeScript to maintain the flexibility of JavaScript while adding a layer of type safety.

To understand this concept better, let's delve into the given code snippet:

let myName = 'Dave'; // TypeScript infers the type as string implicitly
let explicitName: string = 'Dave'; // Explicitly declaring the type as string

// Try assigning a number to `myName` and observe TypeScript's response
myName = 42; // Error: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'

Here, when declaring myName, we do not explicitly specify the type. However, by initializing myName with the string 'Dave', TypeScript's type inference mechanism recognizes this and implicitly assigns the type string to myName. From this point forward, myName is understood by TypeScript to be of type string.

The variable explicitName showcases explicit type declaration. Here, we clearly state that explicitName should be of type string. Explicit declarations provide a guaranteed contract that the variable will always adhere to the specified type. This can help avoid potential bugs and makes the code easier to understand.

The power of TypeScript's type inference becomes apparent when we try to assign a number to myName. TypeScript flags this as an error because a number type is not assignable to a string type. This provides an additional layer of type safety that can catch potential bugs in your code.

It's worth noting that TypeScript's type inference works not only with primitive types (like string, number, boolean, etc.) but also with more complex types like arrays and objects. This powerful feature, combined with explicit type declarations when needed, can significantly enhance code quality and maintainability.

Typescript Basic Types

TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, offers a range of robust and flexible types which are instrumental in building resilient and error-proof applications. At the heart of TypeScript's typing system are the most rudimentary, or "basic types". These types include number, string, boolean, null, undefined, and void. Understanding these foundational building blocks is crucial to mastering TypeScript.


In TypeScript, the number type accommodates both integers and floating-point values. TypeScript, like JavaScript, doesn't differentiate between integer and floating-point values. All numbers are stored as floating-point values. Here is an example:

let decimal: number = 6;
let hex: number = 0xf00d;
let binary: number = 0b1010;
let octal: number = 0o744;


The string type in TypeScript is used to represent textual data. Similar to JavaScript, you can use double quotes (") or single quotes (') to encapsulate your strings. In addition, TypeScript also supports template strings that can span multiple lines and have embedded expressions.

let color: string = "blue";
color = 'red';

let fullName: string = `Bob Bobbington`;
let age: number = 37;
let sentence: string = `Hello, my name is ${fullName}. I'll be ${age + 1} years old next month.`;


The boolean type, as in JavaScript, is a logical type that can have two values: true or false. This type is most commonly used for flag variables that track true/false conditions.

let isDone: boolean = false;

Null and Undefined

In TypeScript, both null and undefined have their own types named null and undefined respectively. They are not extremely useful on their own, as you can only assign null and undefined values to them.

let u: undefined = undefined;
let n: null = null;

However, null and undefined are subtypes of all other types. That means you can assign null and undefined to something like number.

let num: number = null; // No error


Lastly, the void type is a little like the opposite of any: the absence of having any type at all. You may commonly see this as the return type of functions that do not return a value:

function warnUser(): void {
    console.log("This is my warning message");

TypeScript's basic types are the underpinning of its powerful typing system. By understanding these fundamental types, you lay the groundwork for mastering TypeScript. Remember, the intention of static typing is to allow you to catch potential bugs before they even occur and help you write more readable and maintainable code.

Deepening Our Understanding of TypeScript's Basic Types

Additional Operations:

In addition to storing and representing data, basic types in TypeScript support various operations and methods. Here are some common operations associated with each basic type:

  • Strings: String concatenation using the + operator, string interpolation using template literals (Hello ${name}!), and string manipulation methods such as toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), trim(), etc.
  • Numbers: Arithmetic operations such as addition (+), subtraction (), multiplication (), and division (/). Additional mathematical functions like Math.round(), Math.max(), Math.min(), etc., can also be applied to numbers.
  • Booleans: Logical operations such as logical AND (&&), logical OR (||), and logical NOT (!). These operations allow you to perform conditional checks and boolean logic.

Type Coercion:

TypeScript, like JavaScript, performs implicit type conversions or type coercion in certain situations. Type coercion can occur when using operators or performing operations between different types. It's important to understand how type coercion works to avoid unexpected behavior or errors. For example:

let numericString: string = "42";
let numericValue: number = +numericString; // Implicit conversion from string to number using unary plus operator

let result: string = "3" + 4; // Type coercion: number 4 is coerced into a string and concatenated with "3"
console.log(result); // Output: "34"

Literal Types:

Literal types in TypeScript allow you to specify exact values for variables. This enables more precise type information and can be useful when working with specific values. Here's an example:

let trafficLight: "red" | "yellow" | "green";
trafficLight = "red"; // Valid assignment
trafficLight = "blue"; // Error: Type '"blue"' is not assignable to type '"red" | "yellow" | "green"'

In the above code, the trafficLight variable is defined with a union of string literal types "red", "yellow", and "green". This restricts the variable to only accept those specific values.

  1. Type Compatibility:

TypeScript performs type checking to ensure type compatibility when assigning values. With basic types, TypeScript ensures that the assigned value matches the declared type. If there is a type mismatch, a compilation error is raised. For example:

let myNumber: number = 42;
myNumber = "Hello"; // Error: Type '"Hello"' is not assignable to type 'number'

In the above code, assigning the string "Hello" to a variable declared as a number type results in a type mismatch error.

Type Narrowing:

TypeScript's type inference and control flow analysis allow for type narrowing. This means that based on conditionals or certain operations, TypeScript can narrow down the types of variables to more specific types. For example:

let message: string | number;
message = "Hello TypeScript!";

if (typeof message === "string") {
    console.log(message.toUpperCase()); // No error: 'message' is narrowed down to 'string' type
} else {
    console.log(message.toFixed(2)); // No error: 'message' is narrowed down to 'number' type

In the code snippet, TypeScript infers the type of the message variable as a union of string and number. However, within the if statement, TypeScript narrows down the type of message to a string type, allowing string-specific operations to be performed without


Type Aliases:

Type aliases allow you to create custom names for basic types, enhancing code readability and providing semantic meaning. They can be especially useful when dealing with complex types or when you want to provide a descriptive name for a specific type. For example:

type ID = string | number;
type User = {
    id: ID;
    name: string;

function getUserByID(id: ID): User {
    // Function implementation

In the above code, the ID type alias represents a union of string and number, providing a more descriptive name for an identifier. The User type alias represents an object type with properties id of type ID and name of type string.

Expanding on these sections will provide more comprehensive information about TypeScript's basic types and their features. Remember to provide clear explanations and practical examples to help readers understand the concepts effectively.

TypeScript: Basic Types - Key Concepts, Syntax, and Examples

TypeScript's type system is one of its fundamental aspects, providing a way to ensure type safety in your code. Here's a quick cheat sheet summarizing the basic and additional types in TypeScript:

Type Inferencelet variable = value;let myName = 'Dave';
Explicit Type Declarationlet variable: type = value;let explicitName: string = 'Dave';
Basic Types - Numberlet variable: type = value;let meaningOfLife: number = 42;
Basic Types - Booleanlet variable: type = value;let isLoading: boolean = true;
Basic Types - Stringlet variable: type = value;let welcomeMessage: string = 'Hello, TypeScript!';
Basic Types - Nulllet variable: null = null;let n: null = null;
Basic Types - Undefinedlet variable: undefined = undefined;let u: undefined = undefined;
Basic Types - Voidfunction function_name(): void function greet(): void
Additional OperationsOperations/methods for basic types.string: toUpperCase(), number: +, boolean: &&
Type CoercionImplicit type conversions."42" to 42 using unary +
Literal TypesSpecify exact values for variables.let trafficLight: "red"| "yellow" | "green";
Type CompatibilityType checking for value assignment.Error on let myNumber: number = "Hello";
Type NarrowingType inference and control flow analysis.let message: string| number; with control flow
Type AliasesCustom names for basic types.type ID = string| number;

Here's a brief explanation of each concept:

  • Type Inference: TypeScript will automatically detect the type of the variable based on the assigned value. For example, myName will be inferred as a string type because it's assigned a string value 'Dave'.
  • Explicit Type Declaration: TypeScript allows you to explicitly declare the type of a variable. For example, explicitName is explicitly declared as a string type.
  • Basic Types - Number: TypeScript has the number type to represent numeric values. For example, meaningOfLife is assigned a number 42.
  • Basic Types - Boolean: TypeScript has the boolean type to represent true or false values. isLoading is a boolean type variable.
  • Basic Types - String: TypeScript has the string type to represent textual data. welcomeMessage is a string variable.
  • Basic Types - Null: TypeScript has the null type, which exactly one value: null. n is a null variable.
  • Basic Types - Undefined: TypeScript has the undefined type, which exactly one value: undefined. u is an undefined variable.
  • Basic Types - Void: In TypeScript, void is a type that means the absence of having any type at all. It's commonly used as the return type of functions that do not return a value.
  • Additional Operations: Each basic type in TypeScript comes with methods and operations. For example, toUpperCase() method for strings, addition for numbers, and logical AND for booleans.
  • Type Coercion: TypeScript allows implicit type conversions, which is the process of converting value from one type to another, such as string to number, using unary +.
  • Literal Types: Literal types allow you to specify the exact value a variable can have. trafficLight can only have one of the three specified string values.
  • Type Compatibility: TypeScript checks the type of values assigned to variables. An error will be thrown if a value of a different type is assigned, like assigning a string to a number type variable.
  • Type Narrowing: TypeScript uses control flow analysis to narrow the types of variables. With conditional checks, a variable's type can be inferred more specifically.
  • Type Aliases: TypeScript allows you to create custom names for type annotations that could be a union of several types. For example, ID could be a string or a number.

This should provide a quick and comprehensive reference for TypeScript's basic types and operations.

This cheat sheet focuses on TypeScript's basic types. Keep it close at hand for quick reference as you delve deeper into TypeScript and its powerful type system. It will be a valuable tool in aiding you to write robust and error-proof code.


Throughout this blog, we have delved deep into the heart of TypeScript's basic types, shedding light on their importance in crafting robust and easy-to-maintain code. We ventured through the world of strings, numbers, booleans, and the versatile 'any' type, while also touching upon the useful concept of union types.

We took a closer look at TypeScript's powerful type inference system, which effortlessly discerns data types based on the assigned values. This system not only enhances the simplicity and readability of your code but also bolsters the effectiveness of TypeScript's core advantage - compile-time error checking. We also took a look at TypeScript's support for additional types such as regular expressions, further expanding our toolkit for handling diverse data types and scenarios.

For further reading and a deeper understanding of TypeScript's advanced type system, check out the official TypeScript documentation. You may also find it useful to explore TypeScript playground which allows you to try out TypeScript codes right in your browser.

Embrace the power of TypeScript's advanced features, and enjoy more efficient, predictable, and fun development!

Keep coding and always remember: we're in this together, learning, making mistakes, and improving. And until next time, here's hoping your compiler is kind and your code is strong and efficient!